
This info was copied from a web page called Pro Hiker and describes where I ended up camping on the trail.
Bending south-southeast, views of the Pink Cliffs and more distant valleys below open as the trail rises gently up a narrow, sparsely treed ridge top. Here, just beyond 2 miles, you'll enjoy your first glimpse of the Hat Shop. The Hat Shop pinnacle tops lie just below the trail, offering a birds-eye view of this unique attraction. The Hat Shop section spans about 200 hundred yards of trail, and hikers can easily walk the length of it for maximum perspective.

Photographers should exercise caution when maneuvering for desirable angles, as the same erosive forces that created these unique formations are at work upon the unstable cliff edges on which you stand.

Take a moment to enjoy, as a steep return awaits.

Be mindful of occasional steep drop-offs along narrower sections of trail, especially when snow, ice or moisture is present.

While sightings are very rare, bear and mountain lion pass through these forested areas and vigilance is encouraged.